Monday, August 3, 2009

Honey? I'm going to Ecuador for a month, OK?

"Honey, I'm going to go to Ecuador, for a month, OK?"

Having been married for over 29 years to the same woman, I pretty much knew what to expect.

"And how are we going to afford that?" Was the anticipated response.

"Well, I'm going to sell a few things..."

And that was pretty much how it went. Its funny, my friends stare at me in disbelief and then shake their heads in amazement that my wife is the way she is. What can I say? I know a good thing when I see it and all it took was a bit of deceit on my part to win her over all those years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not proud that I had to resort to deceiving her into believing that I was worth marring, but as the boys from Brooklyn are fond of saying "You's gotta do what you's gotta do".

A few days later she got around to asking me "Why Ecuador?" and "What are you going to do there?" Questions that took a lot more explaining and in fact, will take a few more blog posts to really understand.

Until then.


  1. Mid Life Crisis anybody?
    Can I come? I guess i will just have to hold down the fort while your gone, huh?

  2. I'll leave comments if you promise you won't get your panties in a bunch if you don't pick up on my sarcasm =) Well don't even get me started on you leavin town for a month. I know you just think I'm a nag and all so I won't harass you. So go do what you need to do.

    ps You should take Ryker with you =)

    pss I thought blogs were for stay at home moms?? I guess not!!

  3. Avery, love your blog! You are very articulate and funny! - - Luraine Lutes
