Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Are you out of your freaking mind!"

The case, I suppose, could be made that yes, I am out of my freaking mind. It really doesn't sound rational that I am moving ahead and trying to figure out how to jump ship and move out of the Country.

How do you explain wanting to up-root your family and move them to a foreign land?

Most people, when they hear that I want live somewhere else blink vacuously a couple of times and quickly dismiss the idea as poppycock.

Who can blame them?

Besides, this is the gall’durn United States of America! Land of the “free” and home of the brave, a “choice land above all others”. Its the First World baby! Not some banana republic-third world crap hole like... (place the Country of your choice here)

Thats the predominate perception, I think.

If that's your perception then I doubt you are really going to understand anyway.

Best move along at this juncture and maybe check out what is going to be on TV tonight.

Still here? I'm surprised.

The truth is, I really don’t understand it myself. I love the USA but things are changing in a way that is not good from my point of view. Additionally and even more hard to dismiss is the fact that I have had for most of my adult life the desire, a pull, if you will, to live somewhere in Latin America.

What can I say?

When I look up at the night sky from my back yard the stars don’t look right to me. I want to be in a place where the stars look right. Not sure if it is a blessing or curse but it is what it is and I have repressed it for way too long NOW.

For me, NOW, is not such great time to make this happen. A couple of years ago yes, things were really good.


It seems like it was so long ago. You know, back when everyone was a genius and making boat loads of money. THAT would have been THE time to go.

I told myself. "This high rolling, money pumping, hot diggitty dog good time wham-bam-slam market will last a while longer".

Green was the shade my sunglasses were tinted. Its no coincidence that green happens to be the color I associate with greed.

I had the means, I hesitated, and BAM! Missed opportunity.

The market didn't last and clinging on to a sinking ship can have the effect of pulling you under. Just ask Jack and Rose of Titanic fame, they’ll tell ya- it will suck you down fast and deep.

I didn’t have the courage to let go of my sinking ship. Should have let her slip beneath the waves while clinging to a piece of flotsam.

I would have made it, hell, I would would have thrived. But that, as they say, was then and this is NOW.

Move forward.

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